When we talked about new technology, there's a lot of thing that come across our mind. First of all, as individual people will think about development. This probably because people used to connect technology with development. Sometimes, people describe new technology through new machine, factory and so on. However, in this context, we are not going to reject all those thinking, what we going to do is explain what is exactly new technology and how it related with human communication.
I think, we don't have to explain that more details. If i ask the whole class, all will answer that they know what is those thing. Furthermore, i guess half of the class has blogger and youtube account while, one person in each class may have two facebook account. This means, we all are familiar with blogger, youtube, facebook and other websites. Why, i asking about this issue is because i want the whole class to understand that those stuff they used are called as new technology. Not only that the mobile phone also new technology.
Human interaction is a communication between two parties or more. Normally this communication can be seen through verbal and nonverbal communication. Sometimes, this kind of communication doesn't need face to face communication and the interaction can also be done through other medium. For instance, interaction between me and Mardhati, Zaphne, Ianabella and Nor Azua can be done through mobile phone. Not only that, we also can interact using email and social networking. Why this happen is because of the development of "sciences and technologies" in the world brought to many kind of intervention being done.
Therefore, the new technologies of human communication is development and evolution of human communication technologies, focusing on computer mediated communication and its impacts on individuals, society, business and organization.
Human interaction is a communication between two parties or more. Normally this communication can be seen through verbal and nonverbal communication. Sometimes, this kind of communication doesn't need face to face communication and the interaction can also be done through other medium. For instance, interaction between me and Mardhati, Zaphne, Ianabella and Nor Azua can be done through mobile phone. Not only that, we also can interact using email and social networking. Why this happen is because of the development of "sciences and technologies" in the world brought to many kind of intervention being done.
Therefore, the new technologies of human communication is development and evolution of human communication technologies, focusing on computer mediated communication and its impacts on individuals, society, business and organization.
So, we cannot run from this issue. We live in the technology era which everything by our surrounding covered with technology. According to Marco C. Yzer and Brian G. Southwell in the article called New Communication Technologies, Old Questions, new technologies of human communication is nearly with computer mediated communication. Here, it were being agree by both thinkers that, "computer-mediated communication (CMC), an area of study that has added significantly to our understanding of the relationship between human interaction and technological modalities" http://anhnguyen.pbworks.com/f/New+Communication+Technologies,+Old+Questions..pdf.
Brought to you by Catohrinner J.G
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