Youtube is photo sharing service that allow user to share their photo and video with all the people around the world. There are various kind of video that can we share in Youtube such as entertainment, Information, education, and others. In other word, we can just simply search and find any type of video from Youtube.
In fact, nowadays Youtube user tend to upload their personal video to share with public as a trend especially for those who are actively using the internet. most of the popular personal video that Youtube user share is such as information video sharing. Example the video that post by mahalodotcom all of their video that they post is to share how to cooking and baking. For those who are interested and love to cooking and baking, this kind of video is really useful for them. Just like me, because I am also one of the Youtube user. If I feel want to bake a cheesecake but don't know to bake it in the right way I simply type "how to bake a cheese cake" and search at the Youtube.In a few second there a lot of video about what I am looking for will appear and It really easy and there a lot of video that we can choose to watch and select. I just watch one of the video and just simply baked the cheese cake based on what I watch at the Youtube.
Beside that, what we can see from this second video are they trying to promoting their college/ University with others. They not just sharing their skill for baking but at the same time they are trying to persuade those who are love to baking can further study at their college/ University .They also want the people to know that their are offering the culinary course for those who are really interested to enhance their skill in baking.
In this point of view, what I can conclude is beside using the Youtube to share the useful video with those people outside there, some of the organization also using the advantages of the Youtube web as a medium to advertise their product to achieve their target and goal. With the advantages of the Youtube web also will not cost them a single cent and at the same time there can target many people all around the world to watch the video with free.
For those who are using the youtube in the right way, for sure there a lot of benefit that can we get through the video sharing in the youtube. and it really depend on us how we using the advantages of technology in the nowadays. :-)
posted by: Zappy zaph
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